General (Plesk)

How to Change the Plesk Account’s Contact Details

Follow these steps to change your Plesk account’s contact details. Log in to your Plesk account. Click on Account from the Sidebar Menu. Click on My Profile. Click on Contact Details. Update the details as per your requirements. Click Apply. You will see a success message signifying that your Plesk contact details have changed.

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August 28, 2023

How to Create a Directory or Files in Plesk File Manager

How to Create a Directory in Plesk File Manager Log in to your Plesk account. Click on Files from the Sidebar Menu. Click on the appropriate domain in case of multiple domains. Under File Manager, click on the httpdocs directory or any other directory where you want to create the directory. Click on the +plus icon and choose Create Directory. Enter a directory name, such as my-directory in the input box. Then confirm with OK. How to Create a New File in Plesk File Manager . Click on the +plus icon and choose Create File. . Enter the file name, such as home.html, in the input box. Then confirm with OK.

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August 28, 2023

How to Edit or Delete Scheduled Tasks in Plesk

Follow this tutorial to edit or delete Scheduled Tasks (Cron Jobs) in Plesk. How to Edit a Scheduled Task? Log in to your Plesk account. Click on the Pull icon in the right sidebar and choose Scheduled Tasks. Under the Command list, locate your task and click on it. Make appropriate changes and confirm with OK. How to Delete Scheduled Task? Select the tasks you want to remove under the Command list and click on Remove. A confirmation box will appear. Click Yes, and the selected task will be removed.

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August 28, 2023

How to Check Disk and Bandwidth Usage in Plesk

You can quickly check disk and bandwidth usage in Plesk. Log in to your Plesk account. Click on Statistics from the Sidebar Menu. Click on the appropriate domain in case of multiple domains. You can see the disk usage from the left side. The right side displays your traffic/bandwidth usage. You can also check the detailed statistics of FTP, Data Transfer, and Web Statistics.

August 28, 2023

How to Change View Mode in Plesk

You can change View Mode in Plesk in the following way. . Log in to your Plesk account. . Click Websites & Domains from the Sidebar Menu. If the view mode is Dynamic List, click on Change View on the right side and switch to your preferred mode. However, if the view mode is Active or Classic List, click on the wrench icon to change it.

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August 28, 2023