
How to Remove a Database User in Plesk

Log in to your Plesk account. Click on Databases from the Sidebar Menu. Click on User Management from the right sidebar. Under Database Users, checkmark the appropriate database user you want to remove and click on Remove. A confirmation box will appear. Confirm with Yes to remove the user.

Related: database, plesk

August 28, 2023

How to Create Scheduled Tasks in Plesk

Follow this tutorial to create Scheduled Tasks (Cron Jobs) in Plesk. Log in to your Plesk account. Click on the Pull icon in the right sidebar and choose Scheduled Tasks. Under Scheduled Tasks, click on Add Task. Enter the following details: Webspace: Choose the appropriate domain from the drop-down menu in case of multiple domains. Task Type: Choose the appropriate option as per your needs. Command/Script Path: Depend on your choice. If you choose Task type to Run a command, then enter a command. Run: To run your command every day, choose Daily and enter time and hour. Description: Type the description of the task. Notify: Select Errors only or leave it as it is. . Click OK. Your task will be scheduled. Click on Run Now to verify the task.

Related: command, plesk

August 28, 2023

How to Download a Dump of a Database in Plesk

You can generate a backup of your database and download it to your computer using Plesk. Log in to your Plesk account. Click on Databases from the Sidebar Menu. Choose the database you want to download from the list of databases. Proceed with Export Dump, and a popup box will appear. Choose the directory where your database dump will be saved. Checkmark Automatically download dump after creation, and confirm with OK. Once a database dump is generated, your browser will prompt you to download it.

Related: database, export, plesk

August 28, 2023

How to Edit a File in the Plesk File Manager

Log in to your Plesk account. Click on Files from the Sidebar Menu. Under File Manager, enter the httpdocs directory. Hover over the file. The corresponding line will be highlighted. Next, click on the Menu Icon , located at the end of the line, and the Context Menu will open. Click on Edit In HTML Editor or choose any other suitable editor. Make changes to your file and confirm with OK.

Related: editor, plesk

August 28, 2023

How to Encrypt Database Password in Plesk Backup

. Log in to your Plesk account. Go to Websites & Domains > Click on the Pull icon > Choose Backup & Restore. Click on Remote Storage Settings. On the right side of Password Protection, if it displays Disabled, click on change. Checkmark Use password protection and enter a password. Then confirm with Apply. Ensure that you store your password in a safe place. You will need it when restoring a backup. If you have forgotten your password or do not enter one, Plesk will restore your backup with a random database password.

Related: plesk, protection

August 28, 2023